20 booklets, entitled "How I implemented IPM":

20 IPM strategies around Europe on the five cropping sectors.

These booklets were produced by hub coaches during the third year of the project. The aim of these booklets was to describe an interesting IPM strategy on a specific farm, in a holistic way (combination of technical solutions for managing pests and diseases), and to show the overall results of this strategy for several criteria, namely pesticide use, economic performance, workload and quality of pest, weed and disease control.

Support has been provided by ACTA and other partners, through a template for the booklet, two examples of finalised booklets, and a practical guide.

One booklet = 4 pages

Each booklet consists of 4 pages: 1_description of the farm, 2_IPM strategy in the system, 3_results, 4_feedback from the farmer and the hub coach.

The first page of the booklet is a complete description of the situation of the farm with its pedo-climatic context, the main pests and the agronomical and socio-environmental contexts. The final section describes the objectives and motivations of the farmer.

1st page of the Greenhouse Spanish booklet

The second page describes the strategy laid out by the farmer. This page is based on a decision schema of the cropping system (rotation cropping for annual crops, seasons for perennial crops] highlighting new IPM solutions implemented by the farmer with an icon N.

2nd page of the Orchard Italian booklet in local version

The third page brings the main results using different indicators on pest control, use of pesticides and sustainability. A box specifies whether the results are due to a comparison with regional standards or to evolution trend on the farm.

3rd page of the Outdoor vegetable Portuguese booklet

The fourth and final page renders the farmer’s and hub coach’s testimonies and gives the opportunities to develop in the next years.

4th page of the Arable crops Dutch booklet

How to access these booklets?

All the booklets are available on the IPM Resource Toolbox platform in English and local language. A selection of key elements in English and in the local language was used to present each booklet: the agronomic context, the farmer’s objectives, and the advantages and limitations of the presented IPM strategy.

Booklets can be accessed by selecting ‘IPMWORKS hub resources’ under ‘Resource types’ or on a specific page of the website.

Selector box on the IPM toolbox
Booklet page on the IPMWORKS website

Site web IPMWORKS https://ipmworks.net/

IPM Resource Toolbox https://ipmworks.net/toolbox/fr/#/

Contact: Philippe DELVAL philippe.delval@acta.asso.fr