Showing how “demonstrations” and knowledge sharing work for sustainable agriculture


Farm Demo events – May 10-11, 2022

The European Union has set ambitious targets for agriculture for the next decades: mitigate climate change, halve pesticide use, reverse the loss of biodiversity, ensure food security, ensure fair profitability for farmers.

Improving agricultural sustainability is possible, but difficult, because it requires a deep re-design of farming systems. NEFERTITI and IPMWORKS support the general adoption of sustainable agriculture practices, with a specific approach based on (i) networks of pioneer farmers and (ii) dissemination of sustainable practices through demonstration events and knowledge sharing within farmers groups coordinated by advisors (hub coaches). NEFERTITI covers a wider range of sustainability issues while IPMWORKS focuses on the reduction of pesticide use.

IPM Decisions supports NEFERTITI and IPMWORKS networks by providing access to Decision Support Systems to manage farming systems and reduce pesticide use.

NEFERTITI, IPMWORKS and IPM Decisions jointly organize two events in Brussels to promote their networks and outcomes:

An event for policy dialogue, on May 10th, open to Policy Makers only,  to discuss the value of Farm Demo networks (and their associated digital tools) to engage agriculture towards sustainable practices, and to explore solutions for their long term sustainability. The meeting will be coupled with a visit to a Demonstration farm very close to Brussels, on the afternoon of May 10th, 2022.

A Farm Demo Conference, on May 11th, open to all relevant stakeholders (Farmers, advisory services, retailers, agro-industries, researcher, policy makers). The whole day will be dedicated to the presentation of the networks and tools, the specific approach to promote peer-to-peer exchange of knowledge and experiences, many success stories and testimonies of farmers and advisers involved in the networks, and detailed outcomes, methods and tools developed to promote the general adoption of sustainable farming practices.
The Conference will be in English, and will be held in Herman Teirlinck building, Havenlaan 88, Brussels (no streaming planned)      
The Conference is free of charge, but you need to register here.

To know more about the H2020 projects, please visit the websites:,,