The network fosters knowledge exchange among farmers to help them progress further towards the adoption of holistic IPM, and organizes demonstration events to convince other farmers. “IPM works” project demonstrations are based on quantitative data collected in the DEMO farms. IPMWORKS is also developing an IPM Resource Toolbox, providing a centralized access to all available digital resources that help farmers in their transition towards advanced IPM.
Advisers have a predominant role in the network, promoting a different way of advising for plant health, based on a strategic and systemic approach and on the facilitation of peer-to-peer learning to help farmers find their own site-specific IPM-based strategies.
The dissemination of IPM-based good practices is supported by internal and external training courses, by a large range of communication channels to communicate “success stories” of holistic IPM (on-farm demo events, YouTube, social networks, conferences, leaflets, articles).