The seminar was opened with the COPA COGECA welcome by Paula de Vera and the Introduction to IPMWORKS by Nicolas Munier-Jolain from INRAE and IPMWORKS project coordinator, followed by the presentation “What now for future EU Plant Protection and IPM Policies?” by Natasha Foote, freelance journalist , specialised in EU agrifood policy.
The first session, chaired by Alun Jones, CIHEAM Zaragoza (IPMWORKS- WP7 IPM Policy engagement Leader) was entitled ‘Overcoming obstacles to broadening the implementation of IPM’. The EC has observed considerable progress on the implementation of SUD at Member States level, but at the same time the assessment outcomes disclose a huge diversity in the implementation of IPM. This session aimed to expose how to overcome the obstacles to broadening the implementation of IPM, from the perspective of farmers, producers and advisors, including the recommendations elaborated in the framework of IPMWORKS and the role of Policy makers to incentivise IPM implementation. This part of the seminar had the following interventions:
- Implementation of IPM in outdoor vegetable sector in Portugal (Bruno Neves – Farmer)
- Farmers and Producers organisations point of view (Paula de Vera – Copa Cogeca)
- The Role of Advisory Service Network in Knowledge Transfer (Urban Hrovatič – SEASN)
- Biocontrol solutions for plant protection (Isabelle Pinzauti, IBMA Biocontrol industry)
- The role of research, innovation, and knowledge exchange in promoting IPM implementation (Gisela Quaglia – DG AGRI)
- Policy recommendations for scaling IPM adoption through IPM demo networks (Laure Triste & Hilde Wustenberghs – ILVO)