This privacy policy applies to all personal data collected through the website of the H2020 IPMWORKS project.
The entity responsible for processing this data is:
- IPMWORKS project, under Grant Agreement No.: 101000339, that has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
The user must carefully read this privacy policy and decide freely if he/she intends to provide his/her personal data to the IPMWORKS project before communicating data through the project website, tab ‘Stakeholders & Friends’. The user guarantees that he/she is of legal age and that the data communicated are true, accurate, complete and current, being responsible for any nonconformity. If the data communicated belongs to a third party, the user guarantees that he/she informed the third party about the conditions provided in this document and that he/she was authorized to provide his/her data to the IPMWORKS project for the indicated purposes.
You may contact IPMWORKS project on any matter related to this privacy policy, through the following contact point:
Maja Radišić