IPM GAME: A print to play learning material to train farmers and advisers in integrated pest management against pests and diseases

The ACTA team has been developing educational games on integrated crop protection (IPM) since 2018 as part of the European Euclid project. The IPMWORKS project provided the opportunity to update the rules and components of the grapevine game and to create a version for apple tree.

The Tomato and Salad games will be updated as part of the AdoptIPM project.

This game is based on controlling pests and diseases that evolve according to climatic factors and agronomic practices. The game follows the crop cycle. The players are farmers or advisers who have to make decisions based on these changes. They will be divided into two or more teams.

The aim of the game is to ensure satisfactory production in terms of yield and quality, while maintaining a low level of impact from the crop protection practices used.

Initial position of the game; in the example, the players have to manage 3 apple tree pests.

During the IPMWORKS project, the rules of the game were revised and improved on the basis of several years’ experience of using it. Usage scenarios are currently being drawn up. New versions of the game on vegetable crops will be developed as part of the ADOPTIPM project. In addition, a ‘Cereals’ version will complete the portfolio.

The IPMGAME game is now available in 3 versions:

  • Simplified, designed to be played quickly by familiarising yourself with the methods available in a given cropping sector;
  • Basic, which is more complete, with finer management, production and impact indicators for more in-depth games;
  • Advanced, incorporating new features for more realistic games.

But be careful, the game is not a model. Its aim is to get players talking to each other and to the game master about integrated protection and alternative methods. To this end, we have appended scenarios for using the three versions on offer.

Each pack contains the elements of the game that you can make yourself – print and play:

  • The rules of the game
  • The game boards
  • Game cards (help, methods, weather)

An English version is also available.

You can find all this information by following this link.

Intense reflection on the method to be implemented

You can contact the EcophytoPIC team at ecophytopic@acta.asso.fr for any further information or to obtain the material in a format that will enable you to translate it into another language.

IWMGAME is based on the same principle as IPMGAME but focuses on weed control methods against 5 categories of weeds

A game on integrated weed management, IWMGAME, is also available. It has been developed for arable crops and perennial crops. It can be accessed on EcophytoPIC, the French IPM website via this link.